Wednesday, January 06, 2010

If I could get on Facebook at work...

these would be my status updates for today...


... is wondering why her phone went gibbled overnight and therefore didn't wake her up on time. YIKES! Gotta RUN!

... just got to school and... ARG!!! Staff meeting! I forgot and have SO MUCH TO DO before school starts!!!

... is holding in the screaming - interruptions, scatterbrained-ness, failed lessons, temper tantrums... yep, it's that kind of morning!

... is currently covered in paint. Literally.

... wonders how she's going to get the energy to do ANYTHING tonight. Painting is fun, but EXHAUSTING. And I chose to do it two days in a row. Eeeek! *yawn*

... thinks that kids helping to clean up is great, but ultimately makes MUCH more work for me in the end. Ah well, they're trying! And I have a table, a dozen paint bottles, and three chairs that are now all manner of bright splotchy colours.

... is fixing nine foot aliens to the walls and they're FABULOUS

... ooh look! Leftover Christmas chocolate!

... is blogging instead of finishing hanging the last of the aliens. Yep, it's time to go home.


anne said...

Sounds like a super fun day! :)

AfricaBleu said...

That bit about leftover Christmas chocolate made me laugh. It reminded me of the movie _Up_ (have you seen that? GREAT flick!), when the dogs were always stopping mid-sentence to proclaim, "Squirrel!"

Tomorrow is a new day . . .