Monday, August 24, 2009

The story continues

Yes, it's true! I'm home! Back in Vancouver - back marveling at the huge green leafy trees and the vast expanses of water... was there really that much water before? Were the trees really that big? I'm loving being back in my city, with my family, my friends. But of course a huge part of my heart is still in Korr. I'm not done with the stories just because I'm home. There's still so much I want to get down - for my own memories, my own processing, my own records. I have at least four posts in process right now. (Anyone want to hold back the start of school so I can finish blogging????)

But eventually my stories will come to an end (of Korr, anyway... we all know I will NEVER stop talking! Ha!). Those of you who have followed my blog from before Africa, thank you! And those who have started reading since the beginning of my trip, thank you to you, as well! I've been so amazed at the stories of those who I've heard have been reading. I'm so happy to have been able to share. Please feel free to keep reading as I continue and find my way!

There's so much to say about the process of leaving and coming home, but for now, I want to point you elsewhere, to three blogs that have captured my heart and will hold me there closely.

First is Andrea Wolfe. She and her husband Trevor are AIM short term missionaries in Nairobi. He works as a mechanic for AIM and she works in Mitumba, the slum I spent a few short days in in early January. God has stolen this couple's heart for the kids in Mitumba, and her blog tells about life in the slum as it really is... make-you-cry heart-breaking... but always, always, there is beauty there because of what God is doing. There is hope among the mud, among the corrugated metal, among the hurt. There is hope. There is new life. There is light. There is Jesus. And so often Jesus is there in the life of Andrea and Trevor. I would so encourage you to click on these words and go read her blog.

Here is just a clip from a recent post. I would encourage you to go read the whole thing.
...I wipe my tears and reach for her. She comes willingly and lets me hold her. I repeated my earlier words.

“I love you my girl.”
“I love you too.”

And she calls me “Mommy”.

We walk down the steps of the clinic, and to the field where we run around and act silly and twirl like little girls. Her walls have come back up and she has pushed the vulnerability back inside. And it’s okay. Because she knows that I know. And she knows that I care.

Another story. Another child. Another life lived in fear and pain. Another reason to pray and plead with our Father in Heaven to help these dear ones. Another opportunity to trust in His goodness...

The other two blogs are the blogs of Jamie and Alicia, two young women from Texas. They left TODAY to begin a brienf orientation in New York, and then will be headed to Kenya. To Korr. To stay with Nick and Lynne, and sleep in "my" bedroom. To teach in the secondary school in the place I love to the people I already miss SO much. They found my blog a few months back and have been reading a little about where they will be going, and I fully intend to hang on their every word (sorry girls, you've officially got a blog stalker! :) ) Jamie's blog is here: He Who Promises Is Faithful. Alicia's blog is here: A Year Far From Home. If Korr, Tirrim, and the Rendille have at all captured a little corner of your hearts, go check them out! Say hello. Pray for them.

I am so beyond excited to have this connection to the places I hold so dear in my heart! I hope that in eve na little way you will be blessed by them, too!

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